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How we brew?

Jak warzymy?

History of kvass in the world

The history of fermented products goes back many thousands of years. The oldest traces of a fermented bread-based drink lead to the ancient Sumerian state. It was the Sumerians about 4-6 thousand years ago that were probably the first people drinking kvass. Although on the websites you can find a lot of information that the drink that Sumer drunk was … Beer. However, the fact remains that it was a drink based on fermented bread and therefore closer to modern kvass than beer. The first recipe for kvass is found in the ancient text “Hymn to Nikasi.”

Kvass has gained popularity in the Middle Ages and modern times. He was drunk at the court of Tsar Peter I, in the farms of simple peasants, and served as a health drink in hospitals. In Poland, kvass became the most popular in the interwar period. Currently, traditionally brewed kvass has almost disappeared from the market. A pity, because only such acid according to many sources can have a positive effect on the human body.

Brewing kvass in our Manufactury

We start brewing kvass from baking rusks. The rusks include wholemeal rye flour and various types of malts. Malts are made by sprouting and drying cereal grains. We mainly use rye and barley malts. Baking bread biscuits by hand gives us full control over the taste and aroma of the bread biscuits and, consequently, kvass.

The next stage is water extraction in the brewing tank to extract the taste from bread rusks. Other ingredients such as sugars and sourdough are also added at this stage. A so-called wort is formed. This stage is similar to brewing beer. It differs in details such as the range of temperatures used or the order in which raw materials are added.

In the next stage, the kvass is fermented in the brewing tank and in refrigeration conditions in bottles or barrels. Maturing in a cold room is a process that can last from several weeks to several months depending on the type of acid and the desired taste parameters.

And now :-). Kvass is ready to hit your tables.

Kvass maturation and storage

Kvass from our manufacture contains live lactic acid bacteria cultures. It should be stored in refrigerated conditions. The kvass from our Manufaktura matures, which results in a change in taste and aroma. Young kvass is slightly sweet with delicate bubbles. As it matures, sour notes begin to dominate and its carbonation increases. After the expiration date, the bottle should be emptied of kvass, because natural fermentation processes can damage the packaging.

Drink the way you like it.

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